About Us

sizen Education Consultancy is a reputed educational institution based in Nuwakot, Nepal. Our excellence in Japanese language training has best influenced student exchange programs between Nepal and Japan. This is one of the recognized government registered consultancy of Nepal. We are dedicated to provide assistance to students to conduct thier future studies in Japan.
In order to meet your needs, we conduct Educational Training, Application process to University, VISA Documentation and all required counselling and supports. Anyway if you can communicate with Japanese people nicely, you can stay easily in Japan and get various opportunities.
Sizen is established with the motive of providing foreign language education with excellent services and infrastructures to the aspiring students from Nepal. We are dedicated to provide assistance to students to conduct thier future studies in Japan.

We Offer :

1. We introduce the best school in Japan for study
2. We provide Scholarship
3. We Support part time job
4. Free Japanese language classes at your convenient time
5. Low Cost processing
6. Free documentations
7. Free counseling for study in Japan
8. Special practical language classes
9. Classes are run by expert instructors using variety of teaching materials
10. Pay after Certificate of Eligibility (COE).

Salient Features :

1. Experienced and Motivated Teaching professionals with firsthand experience in Japanese language and culture.
2. Cozy and spacious classrooms with modern technology enhancing the teaching-learning process.
3. Disciplined and Peaceful environment.
4. Expert counseling and trusted procedures for way forward.
Affordable fees.
5. Efficient management with genuine individual guidance.
6. High visa success and students feedback


We believe that only right knowledge can lead to the right destination. It is our pleasure that we are in position to ensure the success and drastic change in the betterment of language skill.
We are keen on helping you get interested in learning enthusiastic about Japanese culture, tradition and manners and their tongue by visual learning system and through the direct communication with Japanese.
Sizen Education Consultancy has been established by the team of professional, highly experienced instructors trained at the University of Japan. Most instructors are experienced in teaching Japanese at least 6 to 15 years. Any student who is desirous of studying in Japan or dreams of improving his or her Japanese Language skills and talent can find their dream come true at SIZEN EDUCATION CONSULTANCY PVT. LTD. More over we have designed our JAPANESE LANGUAGE COURSE in a very unique and inspiring way so that students can easily adjust to our class.


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